Apple Work From Home Jobs – (Benefits + Good Pay)

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Did you know that there are Apple work from home positions? And unlike so many other home-based obs you might come across, these are employee positions that offer great pay and benefits, plus they send you all the equipment you need to do the work.

Also, I've read a lot of great feedback from people who are currently working this position.

Apple has a detailed FAQ about these jobs, but I have a little more information for you below. Please feel free to comment below and correct me if I've gotten anything wrong.

How Does the Application Process Work?

After you apply online, you may receive an email to set up a phone interview. If that goes well, there may be a second interview via Skype. If that goes well, they'll go ahead and do your background check and if that comes back fine, you'll get an offer.

The application process can take several weeks to complete before you start training. When I was browsing various forums for info, I saw SO many people saying they had given up on the job because they were getting no communication from Apple for weeks —  only to post again later saying they finally heard something.

There is a lot of paperwork to fill out and send off. It will be sent to you via FedEx after you get an offer and accept it.

There is a test to take. Many people recommend studying the iTunes support page to brush up on your Apple knowledge if you want to do well on the test.

They will let you know one way or another if you're hired if you've had an interview. If you've never been contacted for an interview, you won't hear anything at all if not hired.

You can re-apply at a later date if you don't make it in, so don't give up entirely. Just keep trying.

What Do Apple Work at Home Jobs Pay?

The Apple at home advisor pay is not the same for everyone. Your background, experience, and also your geographic location will factor in. That said, Glassdoor indicates a pay rate of around $18 hourly.

Workers have to sign an NDA — this is why you won't find much specific info online about the pay rate here.

What Do You Do as an At-Home Advisor For Apple?

As an at-home advisor, you provide support via phone, email, and chat to Apple customers. This involves answering questions about Apple products, services, and accessories, including both software and hardware.

What Is The Schedule Like?

This is not a job where you can log on and off and work when you feel like it. You have shifts you must stick to. They hire both part-time and full-time.

Where to Feedback On The Company

One of my readers who has worked as an Apple chat agent answered some questions about it here.

Another place I'd suggest going if you are curious about Apple work from home jobs is Glassdoor. This is a great website that allows employees from various workers to leave anonymous reviews.

How To Start As An Apple At-Home Advisor

Go here to view the current Apple at home advisor jobs. Good luck if you apply, and please comment below if you'd like to share your own experience.

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If you are wanting even MORE links to jobs across a ton of categories (virtual assisting, data entry, transcription, and more), you may want to download my work at home e-book bundle.

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It includes the following e-books ($1 each if you buy them individually):


You will get an email with a link to download the PDF files after your purchase.

Thank you!

18 thoughts on “Apple Work From Home Jobs – (Benefits + Good Pay)”

  1. Reading these comments, the questions that were asked, and the answer’s that had followed the questions. Thee was something that had caught my attention. You had mentioned that you had an interview facetime on your iPhone. If I do not have an iPhone could I possibly use skype?

  2. I have noticed a bit of a change within the last year to the At Home Advisor positions. It appears as though Apple now only offers this role to University Students and current College Students. Can anyone tell me what they might know about how to apply for a “non student” advisor position ?

    • I am also curious to know if this is strictly for college students. I went to apply today but it stated that a requirement was that you have to attend a qualifying University, which I do not.

  3. I am an Apple employee and I did want to clarify some things as I have worked in chat before.

    1. You don’t need to brush up on your apple related products as the training provided will give you the information that you need to get the job done.

    2. Chat support is 24/7 so there are so many shifts available for all different times.

    3. Apple keeps the resume on file for a year so if you don’t get a call back they can call you months later for an interview. You can also put in your resume on LinkedIn (as that is how I heard of the Apple position) and it worked great for me.

    4. It is preferred that you have some Apple knowledge but it isn’t required for the job. You go through enough training and have the equipment to provide some of the best customer service that Apple is proud about.

    • Thank you, Sara.
      I read the job description, and it states one might take calls?
      Is this so, I just want to work on the chat side.
      Your reply is greatly appreciated.

      • I might be able to help as I worked for Apple as an At-Home-Rep in Chat Support for working on bother the CPU, IOS, Beats, and Apple Watch. Chat was brand new at the time when I first started (I was in one of the beta groups) and you were required to be on phone support for a full year before you could go to chat support (things might of changed).

        They tell you to always be prepared to take calls and will send you a phone and headset. You will be required to have a landline phone number.

        I think I had to get on phones (after going to chat support) 2-3 times to help out…but I think that’s because we were dead. More and more customers started hearing about chat support so then we became swamped.

        The 3 years I was in chat support. The first year I did just IOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad, iCloud and iTunes). Second year I did all that and also Beats and Apple Watch. 2 1/2 years into chat I did just strictly CPU and then my last 6 months (before I left Apple) I did all of the above in chat. So I could be helping one customer with their iPhone and Apple Watch and the next customer I could be helping them with their MacBook.

        While you are not required to know everything about the products. It’s very helpful and will give you a better chance. Most people said they had up to 10 interviews before they got the job. While I only had one interview before being hired.

        Also it is true about the 24/7 hours of operation. Phone support has open/close times and holidays while this is not the case for chat support. Since they receive chats from all around the world.

        While the pay from my previous job was way better and I took a huge pay cut, working for Apple. Working for Apple was the best job I’ve ever had. Not only were the customers awesome but the mangers and coworkers were too. (I worked in tech/customer service 18 years before working at Apple). It was the only job where I got emotional giving my two week notice.

        I applied directly on their website and got a call from them a week later. We did the interview using FaceTime on my iPhone.

  4. I was offered a temporary indefinite conract position through a staffing agency in Florida about 3 years ago for Apple and it was the hours listed above but when I got through the hiring process and was vetted, it was made very clear that I had to work 7 days a week, no exceptions and thus I did not take the job. It was $9/hbour but a computer was provided.

  5. I just saw there post on the Arise website classes start April 6th. You would need to start the hiring process through Arise once completed you will see the jobs available. You need to be quick because these chat positions go quickly. The only bad thing is you need to pay 189 dollars for the training since its contract work. I have been waiting for a chat position but unfortunately I do not own a Mac that I can do work on. Hope this help a little

  6. When you say “chat” is that via instant messaging or is this is a phone job, or both? It sounds like a good paying at-home job, regardless. Thanks for the info!

    • I’m pretty sure this is a chat-only position. I’m not sure what the interface is like, but I don’t think phone work is involved at all. Someone feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.

      • It will depend on the position. Apple does both.

        The chat position is via a chat support client that Apple uses. No phones. Chat only for this position. However, a phone line is needed for training, meetings, etc.

      • I have done Apple Tech Support in the past, though I worked for a third party and not Apple. I can tell you that iTunes support does not have phones. There is no way to contact them over the phone, even for me as tech support. The only way to get iTunes support is through email or chat. So I would assume that this position is chats only and that you don’t take any calls from customers.

        • This is no longer true. You are now able to schedule a time for iTunes to personally call you, as a customer, and Technical Support *is* able to contact the iTunes support team in certain circumstances.

          • Actually, you still don’t speak to iTunes. You speak to iPod support. And if there is a billing issue they will chat iTunes for you.

    • Maybe you should read the review. She states:

      “The rate of pay is not the same for everyone. Your background, experience, and also your geographic location will factor in. However, many people claim the amount is usually in the teens.

      Workers have to sign an NDA — this is why you won’t find much specific info online about the pay rate here.”

      This is true. It depends where you live, experience, and due to NDA, I won’t post what I was offered.

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