33 Remote Job Search Resources That Are Totally FREE to Use

Since I started this blog and began posting regular work at home job leads, I've come across several different resources for digging up good information. Many sites I've checked out are free to access while some, like FlexJobs (see our FlexJobs review) are not.

While I stand by my recommendation for FlexJobs because I think it offers value for your monthly subscription, I totally get that some people simply do not want to pay a fee to access any site that has work at home information.

FlexJobs charges the fee because, unlike many other sites, they don't display ads and they guarantee no scams, so the fee is how they generate their income.

But again, some people just can't afford to pay it. And if you're on the hunt for a job, it's pretty likely that money might be more than a little tight anyway. I definitely can understand that.

So, without beating around the bush any further, here are some of the BEST places you can check online for remote jobs, and these sites won't charge you a dime.

Work at Home Blogs/Sites

There are a lot of bloggers (including myself) that have created job boards on their blogs. While the majority of these sites do display advertisements inside and/or outside the content, the info is free to access. Here are a few to check out:


LinkedIn is one of my go-to's when I'm hunting up remote jobs to share on my job leads board.

While they do offer a premium subscription, it is not required to simply access their jobs board and begin searching.

However, you do need to create a LinkedIn account. This is a valuable thing to have anyway (fleshed out as much as possible) so that you can send it to potential employers, giving them a way to view your past experience and skills prior to hiring you for a remote job.

To search LinkedIn effectively, you just use the right keywords in the search field (try things like “remote,” “work from home,” or “freelance” for example).

Then, you can narrow the results to your country and adjust the other filters as needed.

Work at Home Reddits

You know how Reddit works — it's basically a huge, online conversation.

I find a lot of good work at home information and links to jobs with promising companies on the sub-Reddits I linked below. Remember, the content is created by Reddit members, and not everyone is to be trusted.


There are hundreds of work at home jobs posted on Craigslist every single day. Many are legit and, unfortunately, many are not. I created this post to help you learn to navigate Craigslist effectively for remote work and learn to pick out the scammy listings from the legit ones.

I recommend either using Adhuntr to do your searching, since it searches all of Craigslist at once, or just sticking to the big city Craigslist sites like New York, Los Angeles, etc. since you'll find more listings on those.

The best way to narrow it down to remote listings is by using keywords like “telecommute” “telecommuting” “work remotely” or “work at home.” Make sure to put quotes around your keywords just as I've shown above.


Indeed is absolutely amazing! I used to hop around to places like Monster, Careerbuilder, and Job.com for leads, until I discovered that Indeed pulls leads from all these sites and more. I use it several times per week to hunt up good leads to post here on my blog.

Bottom line – it has saved me a ton of time (as it will you) and fortunately they don't let too many scams slip through the cracks.

I use it similar to Craigslist and search certain keywords inside quotes. I use “work from home” “work at home” or sometimes I'll leave the keyword field blank and just put “remote” (without quotes) in the location box. The “freelance” keyword is another good one to use since those types of jobs are often remote.

It's also a good idea to set up an advanced search and ask it to show you 50 results per page. This also saves time so you're not having to constantly click over to the next page.

The default setting is just 10 jobs per page, so unless you change that setting, you will be doing a lot of clicking around.

Go here to search Indeed.


I have long been recommending Glassdoor as a great way to figure out how much work at home companies pay and for finding worker feedback. However, it's also turned into a pretty good place to search up jobs as well.

To find the work at home jobs listed on Glassdoor, just treat it the same way you would Indeed or any other job search site and use keywords related to working from home in the search box. Be sure to leave the city field blank so it will show you jobs from all over and not just those close to you.

Go here to search Glassdoor.

Freelance Bidding Sites

You can find tons of work on these sites with varying rates of pay, and you usually have to place bids to get the work (outbidding other potential workers on rates).

Note that some of these sites do have options to upgrade your membership to paid and get more features, but they all have basic levels that are free where you can set up a profile  and bid on some jobs.


If you're on Facebook all the time anyway, use it to your advantage in your remote job search. I recommend joining the Facebook groups listed here and following the Facebook pages listed here to stay “in the loop.”

Freelance Writing Job Boards

You'll find more freelance writing job boards than anything else, since this is such a popular industry. The following job boards focus on writing work and are completely free to access:

Transcription Job Boards

  • MTStars – Mostly medical transcription listings, but you'll find some general transcription work thrown in there, too.
  • Transcription Essentials – This is a popular forum for work at home transcribers, lots of info on companies that hire.
  • My Transcription Companies List – This is is something I created here on this site, and I try to keep it up to date. There are around 70 or so companies listed, most of which have ongoing openings.

Medical Jobs

Translation Work

Graphic Design Work


Social Media

I will try to get some more quality sites added to this list as I find them. Good luck in your work at home search!

BONUS – Get My Work at Home E-Book Bundle For Just $5 Right Now (8 E-Books Total)

If you are wanting even MORE links to jobs across a ton of categories (virtual assisting, data entry, transcription, and more), you may want to download my work at home e-book bundle.

work at home ebook bundle

It includes the following e-books ($1 each if you buy them individually):


You will get an email with a link to download the PDF files after your purchase.

Thank you!