17 Clever Ways to Get Facebook Followers In 2025

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Updated October 19, 2024.

I know a lot of you are bloggers and home business owners in addition to being work at home seekers, which means there is a good chance you're wondering how to get Facebook followers so you can grow your social media presence.

A Facebook page is an excellent way to get exposure for your business and drive traffic to your website.

In fact, I know that many people actually get more of their traffic from Facebook than they get from Google!

So the million dollar question is, how can you get more followers once you've got that page set up? You can't really set it up and expect everyone to just flock to it. That doesn't happen unless you already have a pretty large presence online.

Below, I created a list of several things you can do to get more followers.

Share Your Page on Your Website

Post your Facebook page badge or link on your website if you have one. Facebook actually makes it very easy to create a little “like me” box on your site by going here.

You can just type in your page info, and then copy/paste the code they give you where you want it to appear on your blog. Your blog's sidebar or footer is a good place for this.

Another idea is to use notification bars if you have a WordPress.org website like the Hello Bar and set it up to invite people to like your page. These are not as invasive as pop-up windows which some people also use.

Share Memes On Your Facebook Page

Everyone loves a good meme! And they love to share them, too.

I've found a great way to get people to interact with my page is to share some sort of meme every day. The type of meme will depend on your subject matter of course.

For example, I try to share work-related memes that are funny or inspirational/motivational memes. And I try to make sure they are things I've laughed at myself or felt inspired by to ensure they'll affect others the same way.

If your followers share a meme you posted, their Facebook friends will see it and will see what page posted it. I tend to get a lot of new Facebook likes after I've posted a meme that really resonates with people.

I've gotten in the habit of scrolling Instagram and Facebook in my downtime and taking screen shots of memes I think will do well on my page as I see them.

Then, when I think of it, I re-share those on my page to get a lot of interaction. This will also help people who may have stopped interacting with your page (who are at risk of no longer seeing it), back to being considered an engaged follower.

This means Facebook will show them your content more often. So share those memes!

Advertise on Facebook

While you may not be too enthused at the idea of paying Facebook for page promotion, many people would argue it's worth it if you can spare the cash.

You can choose to promote simply your page to get likes, OR you can pay to “boost” some of the things you've shared on your page so they will reach more people. I've seen results both ways!

Quick tip about boosting posts. When I boost, I make sure to set it so the post is getting boosted not to people who like my page, but to people who don't.

This is effective for getting new page likes because lots of times the people who see the boosted post will not only visit the post on my site, but they'll go ahead and “like” me on Facebook as well.

Start Guest Posting

When you write a guest post, you are normally allowed to have a byline at the end of whatever you wrote, directing people to your blog or website.

Include a link to your Facebook page too if the person you're writing for allows you to have more than one link in your byline.

Share on Twitter

Are you active on Twitter?

You may be able to turn your Twitter followers into Facebook followers if you regularly tweet out your page link on Twitter and remind people to follow you there, too.

Make Friends on Facebook

Go and follow other pages similar to your own (as your page), and then interact with their posts as your page as well.

Most page admins are OK with this as long as you are leaving constructive, helpful comments occasionally and not spamming their comments with daily requests for their other followers to come follow your page.

If you do this, do it tastefully so it doesn't look like you're spamming anyone.

Share Your Page In Your Newsletter

If you send out a weekly or monthly newsletter, make sure your Facebook link is in there somewhere so the people who have subscribed to your updates can like your page if they want to.

I always include a link to my Facebook page at the bottom of my weekly newsletters (I use the Flodesk service to send out my newsletters).

Sometimes, I'm even more obvious about it and ask people to follow me on Facebook within the first few sentences of my newsletter!

This has been extremely effective because while not everyone will read all the way to the bottom of your messages, most people will read the first few lines.

Share Your Page In Your Email Signature

You can create a special signature for each email you send. Make sure the link to your Facebook page is in there.

Be Active on Facebook

You might think this is pointless when you only have a handful of followers, but it's actually very important.

The more active you are, the more likely it is that your existing followers will interact with you in some way and also share your posts with their friends/followers. This can only benefit you.

Additionally, Facebook may push your page out to more people with similar interests if you are actively using it all the time.

If you run a business, share every single promotion or special offer you have going on. If you're a blogger, never fail to share not only your own content, but the content of others in your niche if you think your followers might find it interesting.

Make sure you also post on Facebook apart from just sharing links. Ask questions, get discussions going. Share photos and infographics.

But — don't spam. It really isn't necessary to post fifteen times an hour. This will irritate even the people who are interested in your content.

One way to ensure you interact regularly throughout the day without posting too much at once is to schedule your posts in advance. Facebook has a scheduling feature for pages you can take advantage of.

Ask Your Facebook Friends to Share Your Page

This is better than asking someone directly because you don't want to put anyone on the spot and make them uncomfortable.

This way the people who want to like/share your page will do so and the people who don't can avoid doing it without having to have an awkward conversation with you explaining why or doing it anyway even though they don't want to.

Put a Link To Your Page In An E-Book

Many bloggers, like myself, also publish e-books!

Make sure you have an “About the Author” section at the end of your e-book so you can include a link to your Facebook page and readers can connect with you online.

Put Your Facebook Link On Your Social Media Accounts

If you use YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, or any other popular social media network in addition to Facebook, make sure your profile on those sites is filled out thoroughly and includes a link to your Facebook page.

Make an effort to be active on those other sites so that your current followers there will be more likely to investigate you further and possibly go follow you on Facebook.

Comment On Blogs

Find blogs that are relevant to your business or website and leave useful comments on them if commenting is enabled.

Many blogs have a field for URL or website in addition to name/email when you leave a comment. You can put the link back to your Facebook page here.

Make sure that the comment you leave is relevant to the post you are commenting on. Don't just put, “Wonderful post! Thanks!” or even tell people in the comment to go like your page. This is a great way to get it deleted by the admin.

If your goal is to get people to click through to your Facebook page, write something that piques someone's interest enough to get them to do that.

Tag Other Pages in Your Facebook Posts

If you are sharing content from another page, you can tag that page by putting the @ symbol and then typing their page name. This will alert the page admin that you took the time to share their content. They might feel compelled to return the favor! But don't get too discouraged if that doesn't happen.

Encourage Your Followers to Like and Share Your Updates

It's no secret that Facebook recently rolled out some changes that make it harder for our existing followers to see the things we share.

However, if your followers are in the habit of interacting with you, they will see your updates. I have tested this myself and it's true. Once I “like” a status update from a page, that usually means I will always see their updates in my news feed.

But I usually don't see updates from pages that I haven't interacted with in a long time. So remind your followers on occasion to like and share your status updates.

Run a Giveaway

You can hold a giveaway either on Facebook or your website and offer one entry in exchange for a visit to your Facebook page.

You have to be careful with this though because it's another thing Facebook has been cracking down on since a lot of pages are getting thousands of likes within just a few days through this method.

Make sure that the Facebook visit entry is optional rather than a requirement, and also do this minimally so you don't end up with a lot of fake likes that are really no more useful to you than paid-for likes. It's also a good idea to offer a prize relevant to the audience you're trying to target.

For example, if you have a blog about books and you want avid readers to like your page, offer a book as a prize. Or if you run a business selling makeup or perfume, make sure you're giving away one of your products.

Unfortunately, you cannot ask people to “like” your page for a giveaway entry, so make sure you word it as “visit my page” instead. It's against Facebook's terms of services to trade likes for giveaway entries. But if they visit your page, there is of course a chance they will like it while they are there.

Rafflecopter is a great resource for holding giveaways that let you do this.

Got Followers? Start Interacting!

I can't tell you how many Facebook pages I come across with far more followers than I've got that rarely ever even interact with their audiences.

What is the point of having all these followers if you're not even going to speak to them sometimes? You'll keep your existing followers most engaged and interactive if you interact with them.

Don't be shy. Hopefully these people liked you because they're interested in what you sell or what you write, so give them what they're looking for.

Good luck!

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You will get an email with a link to download the PDF files after your purchase.

Thank you!

48 thoughts on “17 Clever Ways to Get Facebook Followers In 2025”

  1. Loved all of your ideas. Putting some into place as we speak!

    Here’s a link to my business page. We currently offer furniture redesigns, restoration and home decor.

  2. Thanks for all the great information. I will be putting a lot of them to good use.
    ❤💍Paparazzi $5 Bling by Melissa

  3. Hi! My Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/letscooktheargentineanway,
    Thanks! for giving this space to share.

  4. This was a great article to read, very helpful. Thank you for this. I already to some of the tips and look forward to trying others. I am an Avon Independent Sales Rep. We don’t just sale makeup or products just for women. We are so much more and offer so much more. My facebook page is www.facebook.com/reesavonboutique.

  5. Thanks for all your tips. I have tried many of those already and think I will soon purchase Facebook ads to see if it makes a different. It is not very expensive to experiment.

    Here’s my Facebook page for tips and daily motivations on how to lead a happy and healthy life: https://www.facebook.com/react.coaching/

  6. Thankyou so much for this quality article! I will definitely be trying some of the ideas on here that I hadn’t thought of.
    We have a new page Called the ‘Fresh Green Love Tribe’! We are a vibrant community of lovers, adventurers and givers who tread mindfully and with compassion. We believe that we are all connected to the Great Spirit (Universe, Gaia etc). We are aware of our spiritualIty and soul connection, but are not affiliated with any religion. Our purpose is to live and encourage each other to our highest potential while here on earth, while doing no harm to others or to our precious planet. We are a radical mix of ages, social backgrounds, colours and beliefs.
    On this page we discuss topics including: low-impact living, tiny homes, sustainability, compassion & Love, helping others, community spirit, adventure travel (both budget and luxury), small space gardening, natural remedies and off-grid principles.
    We are developing a mindfulness personal coaching course which will be available mid 2016 to compliment our community here.
    We hope you find this a safe and enjoyable place where you can be beautiful, unique YOU! Wishing you love and adventure on your journey into the unknown, pioneers into the new world, never alone. We are the do-ers, the lovers, the dreamers. We are the odd ones with the power to change the world for the better. Welcome to the tribe!
    💛☀️🌻😃 xx

  7. Already used couples of these tips. Some indeed brought more likes such as giveaway. Would like to try other ways which are not used before.

    Love electronics & gadgets? Love Chinavasion! https://www.facebook.com/chinavasion.electronics/

  8. Great article! I couldn’t agree more about interaction, it’s a vital part in success for any business. If you’d like to follow my Facebook page, keep an eye out for samples and giveaways! Have a fabulous week!

  9. facebook.com/brbandz

    I have really only used the giveaway so far so I am going to try some others now! 🙂 Thanks!

    My facebook promotes 2 businesses. My handmade headwear and my direct sales company Keep Collective! 🙂

  10. I loved this article, most articles I read on this topic don’t have this many ideas! I even went through the comments and liked some pages. Sooo, here goes a shot at new approaches. Here’s a link for my Facebook page, where I sell jewelry and art that I create, all of them one of a kind! 🙂


  11. Thanks for the tips! I have a business where I make custom bracelets. www.facebook.com/pertylittlethings
    You are all welcome to follow! Enjoy 10% off with Perty10 before 9/30/15.


  12. Thanks for all the tips! I saw a huge spike when I messaged my friends to ask them to invite their friends! It never hurts to ask! I have a travel blog. I’d love if you’d all join me on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/unevensidewalks

  13. Great tips, Anna for gettting more likes. It is important to keep a good reach as well. I went through and liked as many as I could. I really liked yours, Lori. I am also posting my two here: https://www.facebook.com/gbsvirtualofficesolutions and https://www.facebook.com/gbsvirtualofficesolutions

  14. Thanks for all the great advice! Already went and made a few changes! Everyone, please check out my facebook page and shoot me your constructive critiques or encouraging comments about what you like! https://www.facebook.com/LoriSlottInitialOutfitters

  15. Hi, I’m really learning a lot from your site! I run a blog which caters mainly to expats in Israel from English-speaking countries, about making and saving money online: http://saveourshekels.blogspot.co.il/

    My Facebook page is here: https://www.facebook.com/saveourshekels .

  16. Hi there, this is Madlen from ADORENEON.com … where positivity and creativity collide.
    I share original content about inspiration, health & nutrition, crafts & DIY, my own photography as free stock images, tips & tricks for all angles of life, vegetarian recipes and all of my creative projects.
    If you like to connect, please visit my facebook page here: facebook.com/adoreneon

  17. Hi, I am Anna and I am an independent Norwex sales consultant. Here is my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/annaschneidergreencleaning?ref=hl

  18. Thanks for the great tips!! Trying some out right now! My facebook page is www.facebook.com/Instinct2create

  19. Great info, thanks! I find that Facebook is a much more difficult social platform to work with than others. But it is definitely worth putting in the effort. I get a lot of traffic referred from my Facebook page.


  20. My pages are http://holyandholistic.blogspot.com/ & http://hismajestysdaughter.blogspot.com/. I blog about product reviews & healthy living.

  21. I just found your website today, and I love what I have been reading! I love all the key points you make and how much sense they make! I recently have been trying to increase my fan base. One of the most important features I feel I have is being able to connect with my readers and be so personable on social media networks.
    I look forward to reading more of your posts, and following you on facebook!


  22. Thanks Anna for the fantastic post – very helpful! And thank you for letting us post our pages here – mine is http://www.facebook.com/realfoodnuts

  23. Finding your site super helpful and informative, Thank you. I am an independent consultant with Perfectly Posh and invite you to check out and like my FB page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Poshing-Awesome-by-Christina-Your-Perfectly-Posh-Independent-Consultant/265305176959628

  24. Just came across this site and thought I would give this a try. I found the article very informative. I would like to try more of the suggestions but I am very new to this so I will need to do a lot of research. I have a small children’s boutique and am looking to expand so if anyone reading this would like to check out the things I make we are at https://www.facebook.com/LittleKeikiTiki come on over and if you like what you see, say so. We will check you out and return the favor.

  25. I have started a craft and DIY facebook page with multiple admins. I am hoping to showcase as many craft blogs and DIY tutorials on the page. I am thinking about building this page in direction of helping other bloggers in craft and DIY niche. I don’t have many followers yet but working on it.


  26. Hi Anna, this is a great blog and I really enjoy your posts and the information you share. I just joined a site recommended by you to write freelance articles as that’s what I do; the site was called Hire Writers. I’ll let you know how I get on. I have a blog for my freelance career however have not created Facebook or Twitter pages yet, but it is in the plan. I do have a Grey’s Anatomy fan page if there are any fans out there, would love it if you would like the page and share it. I am still getting the hang of online writing and learning a lot. Helium is the one site that I would recommend for anyone else getting started as I’ve made some good money there and learned heaps. Now I am looking for bigger fish.

    I check up on your blog here all the time and I follow you on Facebook, it’s good stuff and I really appreciate the information you share. Thanks for letting us share our Facebook pages.


    Link to my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Greys-Anatomy-Addicts/306807266038299

  27. I’m trying to get started with my home business. It is growing very slowly. I sure am glad I found this article. Thank you for this information. Right now I am struggling with this social media stuff. I would like to invite everyone to like my page and leave any constructive comments or suggestions. I can use all the help I can get. https://www.facebook.com/CraftyShells

  28. I’ve got a Facebook page for my crochet business. There are a few listings for items available to purchase; but if you’d like something specifically made, message me your details! Thanks!

  29. I just found your website and I’ve been reading through your posts. You’ve done such a great job of researching everything and explaining how it all works. I’ve always been hesitant to try a work at home job, but I’m feeling better about it after reading some of your posts. I have a personal blog that ended up being mostly about my chickens, but here’s my link if anyone enjoys that sort of thing: https://www.facebook.com/AdventureMonsters

  30. Thank you for this article. It has some great tips and I shared it on both my facebook fan pages…I never knew about the thing in Google Chrome that will send out status updates throughout the day. Way cool! I am definitely a follower of your page and would love it if you or anyone else would like my two Facebook fan pages at:
    Keep up the great work you do!!

  31. hi.

    i’m just starting up my home crafting business.
    please like, share and let me know what you think!

    thanks. ann

  32. Thanks for allowing us to share our pages, Anna! Mine is: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Small-Space-Big-Dream/174968752636392. As you can see, I just started out in the blogging world. Your website is one of the sites I used as a model for my own site. I’ve been following you for quite a while now and thoroughly enjoy what you have to offer. I greatly appreciate the tips you provide about blogging. I had no idea Buffer existed and I am very excited to try it out!

  33. Thanks for this, Anna! I tried adding my Facebook page link as my website but got an error telling me to remove it so I guess I’ll just add it here: http://www.facebook.com/howtofindwfh

    I’m glad you mentioned that about entering discussions on other’s pages as your Facebook page. I always “Like” a page as myself so that it counts towards that page’s total likes. Then I “like” the same page as my FB page so that it will appear in my stream and I can share it to my page. instead of my personal stream. So, it often happens that I end up commenting or liking as my FB page and wondered if I was breaking some kind of rule.

    I have also shared it to my personal stream, too, by accident and usually get a couple of likes, lol, even though I have never shared my own page to my stream, like you suggested. IDK why…just kind of trying to keep the two personas separate but that may change now that you have put the idea into my head.

    Many great tips! No wonder you have 3X more fans on your page than I do!

    • You will get there, Patti! 🙂 It has taken me two years to get as many fans as I have. And still yet there are other bloggers with way more. But it doesn’t matter how many fans you have if you never interact with them. You have been doing a great job of being social on your page! And thank you so much for sharing my content so often.

      • You have all the good ones, Anna! Plus, the way FB works now, the only ones that appear in my stream are those I’ve shared before—so never see anyone else’s, lol!

        • Thank you Patti! You have some excellent content as well. I try to share yours, too, but I definitely don’t do that often enough. Your website is a wealth of info!

  34. Hello my name is Dawn and I invite you all to see what I love about Pink Papaya on my Facebook page @ www.facebook.com/pinkpapayawithdawn

  35. Great article! I “buffered” it for Twitter and my Facebook fan page. 🙂 I use the Safari browser and Buffer has an add-on for that one as well. Facebook groups are another resource to promote your fan page. Sometimes the group admin will keep a document in the group files where you can add your fan page, twitter handle etc… for others to like/follow.

    These are all excellent ideas and I do some of them but I should be doing ALL of them. Thanks for putting it all together in one place!

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