5 Romance-Related Ways To Work From Home

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If you want to work from home and you're a romantic at heart — you are in luck! There are more than just a few romance-related ways to work from home. 

In honor of Valentine's Day, we researched the best ways to create income online if your focus is love and romance. We have five fun ideas for you below:

5 Romance-Related Ways To Earn Money From Home

1 – Become a Wedding Planner 

This may be a bit of a career change – and may require some training – but you can work as a wedding planner from home! 

Starting a wedding planning business is similar to starting any business – i.e., you need to start with a good website. Come up with your business name, file the necessary articles of incorporation in your state, and get a website up and running with Bluehost (you can buy a domain and hosting plan for just a few dollars a month with them).

Once you create your website and have all your t’s crossed and i’s dotted, you can start advertising on social media. Commit to a social media advertising and marketing goal weekly and monthly.

Also, ask around – are your friends or family members getting married? If you’ve never planned a wedding before, offer to do so at a steeply discounted rate, just to get your feet wet and start getting some reviews on popular platforms like Yelp! and Google. Word of mouth truly works!

Lastly, start reaching out to people on LinkedIn (and make sure that your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date!). Ask other wedding planners how they got started in the business. Reach out to florists, event spaces, event planners – even DJ’s! Ask them to recommend your services and direct them to your website.

All of this, of course, can be done from home on your own (and, well, the bride’s and groom’s) time. If it seems like a lot of work, keep in mind that you could potentially make around $2k per month part-time!

2 – Write Romance Novels 

Yes, you can absolutely write romance novels for a living! Writers come in all different stripes, and romance writing is a specific niche that many people can fall into. 

We actually interviewed romance writer Yuwanda Black a while back, and she dove into some details on her experience as a romance writer, what she earned, and how to be successful if you’re going to commit to the craft.

Now, Black makes between $5k and $10k per month as a romance author and has additional income from other clients. The romance and erotica industry rakes in about $1.44 billion in profit, so it’s a flush industry to be in!

Again, if you’re like me, you’re probably sitting here thinking, “Well, I am/can be a freelance writer with a bunch of clients, but who has the time to write a book?” 

Black states that she writes romance novellas, which are “works of narrative prose; longer than a short story, but shorter than a novel,” according to Wikipedia.

You can expect a novella to fall between 15,000 and 40,000 words, or approximately 30 to 80 pages, single-spaced. If you’re a writer, that’s not too shabby – and great practice for when you do write The Great American Novel.

You can check out Yuwanda's popular e-course on earning income by self-publishing romance novels here.

3 – Work as a Matchmaker for Tawkify 

Are you the go-to person in your friend group to set folks up on first – or even blind – dates? Then you might just be the perfect person to work as a matchmaker for matching service Tawiky

On average, working for Tawkify means you’ll likely make between $10-$12 per hour, which is likely not a sustainable rate, and you’ll need supplemental income (keep reading for more on that!).

Matchmakers earn, on average, about $100 per date, but if you spend an average of 8 hours matching folks, then the hourly rate is likely to be lower, so keep that in mind when considering this role.

4 – Get Paid to Write Romantic Greeting Card Copy 

Ever tried your hand at writing greeting card copy? What about romantic greeting card copy? It’s a fun process! In my experience, you have to submit several pieces of copy for consideration by the greeting card company and if they like your writing, you may see it pop up soon in a Hallmark store! 

We've written a lot more about getting paid to write greeting cards if you're interested in learning more about it. Some accepted submissions can pay upwards of $100. Not bad!

5 – Get Paid to Write Dating Profiles 

Feel like you could write a really good dating profile, even if you’re happily coupled up? Me too!

Now, you can get paid to do it via companies like e-Cyrano (this one has little info available other than one bad review, although it's been promoted on some popular media platforms like The New York Times and CNN), and VIDA Select.

If you want more details on E-Cyrano specifically, you can read our E-Cyrano review.

Fees vary between these two sites, and you will have to interview the dating pool, so bear that in mind. 

So that wraps up our post! I hope you've found some interesting ideas for “romantic” ways to earn money at home or online.

BONUS – Get My Work at Home E-Book Bundle For Just $5 Right Now (8 E-Books Total)

If you are wanting even MORE links to jobs across a ton of categories (virtual assisting, data entry, transcription, and more), you may want to download my work at home e-book bundle.

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It includes the following e-books ($1 each if you buy them individually):


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Thank you!

5 thoughts on “5 Romance-Related Ways To Work From Home”

  1. Hi Anna,I am.one of your subscriber,and I am working on my first novel,and I wouldn't mind you recommend a good company that will provide me with all the nessary tools including a ghost writer to get it published,I have come across a few,but those who I have spoken with, don't sound very professional and trust worthy,thanks in advance,

    • If you're looking to sell publish it's a while other ballgame, and then you'd AVOID any company that doesn't tell you the package up front options, and does NOT continue to charge you money, and it will easily cost you about ten Grand. And research them!
      As for traditional, if start by watching tutorials on YouTube, Erin Brock is a good one.

  2. You can also offer virtual wedding assisting which I am about to check into it’s pretty much planning but virtually so you aren’t required to be at the actual wedding if travel isn’t an option for you this may be a great niche to tap into. You’ll do things such as booking venues, organizing the bridal party, planning, it’s perfect for engaged couples who are super busy!

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