It happens all the time. A big event is coming up — concert, football game, musical — and you snatch up tickets as soon as you can before they sell out.
But then life gets in the way. You had good intentions, but something came up to prevent you from attending. You don't want to be out the money you spent, so what do you do?
There's only one thing to do. Try to sell your tickets before the event date to recoup some of your loss.
You might be thinking you could just make a social media post and offer up the tickets at a reduced price to friends and family, just accepting the fact you're going to be out some money. I admit I've done this myself and been relieved it wasn't a 100% loss.
And while that may work just fine, there's a smarter, much more lucrative way to get rid of your tickets! Not only that, you have a great chance of getting back MORE than you paid.
Enter Lysted — an all-in-one ticket resale platform that makes it possible for you to get rid of tickets you can't use quickly, with no fuss, and for more money than you could likely get via any other means.
Why Lysted Is a Better Option
There are a lot of reasons to use Lysted rather than getting rid of tickets on your own.
Most importantly, Lysted is reputable. To date, Lysted has helped over 30 thousand people sell over 5 million tickets. This has resulted in $1 billion in sales!
Second, Lysted is free to use. It costs nothing to sign up and list your tickets for sale. And you'll get paid as soon as your tickets sell, not after the event has happened like you may experience with other ticket reselling sites. It's not risky at all to sign up and list your tickets.
You also don't need to be super tech-savvy or computer literate to list your tickets. Lysted has a beautiful, user-friendly interface that makes it extremely easy and straightforward to list what you have.
Lysted also takes the guesswork out of pricing your tickets with their built-in analytics, helping you make informed decisions before you list.
Lysted Is Partnered With Other Top Ticket Marketplaces
You may be concerned that, once you've listed your tickets, they'll take a while to sell. This isn't the case because Lysted is partnered with Ticketmaster, Stubhub, TickPick, SeatGeek, and thousands of other reselling platforms. This guarantees your tickets will reach a huge audience of people eager to buy and likely looking for what you have.
Unlike other side hustles you can do from home, you don't have to worry about how you're going to market or promote your tickets. Once you've gotten them posted, they're going to be seen by anyone looking thanks to Lysted's partnership with these well-known marketplaces.
You Won't Get Into Trouble With Duplicate Sales
You might be concerned that your tickets being posted on multiple resale platforms means you may end up with dupe sales and a big headache.
This won't happen because Lysted's technology will remove your tickets from every other platform they are listed on as soon as they are as sold.
It's not extra work you'll have to do, Lysted does it automatically.
Expect a High Profit Margin With Lysted
As mentioned above, you have a better chance of making money, not losing it, on your tickets. So no more spending $400 on two tickets to an event and only getting half that back because you needed to unload them quickly to a friend or family member!
Posting your tickets with Lysted means you're more likely to see from 10% to 50% or MORE profit.
Obviously the amount you make will depend on how popular and in-demand the event is. But odds are you will make money, not lose it, as compared to trying to sell your tickets via other means.
Turning Ticket Reselling Into an Ongoing At-Home Side Hustle
Once you've sold your tickets and pocketed your profit, you don't necessarily have to stop there. If you can spare to spend some (or all) of what you've made, take it and invest in more tickets, and then resell those.
You see where I'm going with this?!
Ticket reselling can be a lucrative side hustle (not to be confused with ticket scalping, which is illegal and unethical). You can resale tickets entirely from home, continually investing in more tickets year-round to events you believe will be popular and in-demand.
You may occasionally take a hit, but over time, you'll learn what events do well and set your prices accordingly.
For example, it goes without saying that tickets for sold out events will usually be more in-demand than events with tickets still available. So, you realize you can get a better price for these.
As mentioned above, Lysted has built-in analytics and insights that can help you figure out the correct price point for your tickets.
Transactions With Lysted Are Secure and Easy
Once your tickets sell, Lysted will securely deliver them to the recipient, and you will receive your payment (minus a small fee which varies depending on where your tickets sell) approximately two weeks after the sale.
Lysted uses HyperWallet (affiliated with Paypal) for payments. All earnings will be deposited straight into your bank account.
Don't Have Tickets to Resell But Want to Try This Anyway?
If you are intrigued by this side hustle opportunity but don't currently have any tickets you need to get rid of, consider investing in some tickets to resell. And just see what happens!
If you think about it, the price of a ticket or two to an event is a pretty low home business start-up cost compared to what you may need to invest for other types of businesses.
To get started reselling with Lysted, all you need are the tickets! Lysted's platform is completely free to use so you just have to get them posted and wait and see what happens.
How to Get Started Today With Lysted
If you want to list some tickets and try this out, just go here to create your free Lysted account. It's the easiest, fastest, and smartest way to go about reselling your tickets and makes it incredibly easy to start a ticket reselling side hustle from the comfort of your home.
Good luck!
This post was sponsored by Lysted.

Anna Thurman is a work at home blogger and mom of two. She has been researching and reviewing remote jobs for over 14 years. Her findings are published weekly here at Real Ways to Earn.