Five Paid Survey Panels That Still Pay in Cash – Not Points

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I don't like redeemable points much. I prefer cash. And if you take paid surveys, you've probably noticed most panels are now paying in redeemable points instead of in cash.

While I realize that most survey panels sites do make it so you can redeem your points for cash if they have a Paypal option when you redeem, there's still just something about knowing how much you were paid in cash to complete a survey.

I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking the whole points thing is often pretty confusing.

If you like answering questions for paid survey panels here and there for some extra money (or points … ? ) here are a handful that actually do still pay in cash.

The cash you receive may be in the form of a check that is mailed to you, direct deposit, or Paypal. It will just vary depending on the panel.

Paid Survey Panels Paying Cash

1 – Paid Viewpoint

One of the better paid survey panels!

Paid Viewpoint is straight up cash and they don't make any bones about it. They even want to know your Paypal email pretty much right after you agree to sign up. I like that! I could even see in real-time how much money I was earning as I answered each question for them. Very cool.

They also pay pretty quickly after you request your money. You only need $5 to cash out.

Go here to sign up with Paid Viewpoint, or read our Paid Viewpoint review first.

2 – SavvyConnect

This survey panel is open to people aged 13 and up in the US and UK. You will receive a mailed check for your participation.

This panel is basically like an app that you connect to SavvyConnect so they can track your internet browsing behaviors.

I know this certainly won't appeal to everyone — particularly those of you who seriously value your privacy — but the company is not interested in your private life, just information that would be helpful to advertisers and marketers.

You can install SavvyConnect on your PC, tablet, or phone. You earn $20 for each device you have it connected to, and it must be installed for at least 30 days to receive your earnings. So, it's possible to get an easy $60 a month here.

Sometimes SavvyConnect will also send you paid survey invitations as well.

Go here to sign up with SavvyConnect.

3 – Mindfield Online

I added this one thanks to a reader's suggestion below.

Mindfield is another one that has been around for a long time and pays in cash. I haven't participated much here, but I know they are legit and pay as promised. You only need $5 to cash out, but most surveys pay around $1.

Sometimes the panel is closed to new participants, so you'll have to check back periodically if you try the link and it's closed.

Go here to sign up with Mindfield Online if they are open.

4 – Crowdology

Crowdology is open to people 18 and older in the US and UK. They pay in cash via Paypal with no points system.

You can also request Amazon gift cards instead if that suits you more. You do need at least $8 in your account to request a payment. Crowdology is known for paying pretty fast — sometimes the pay comes right away and other times it may take 2-3 days.

Go here to sign up with Crowdology.

5 – iPoll

iPoll doesn't use a points system, and they also credit your account with $5 just for signing up. In addition to cash paid via Paypal, they will also send you gift cards instead if you'd prefer those.

You do need $50 in your account to get paid with Paypal, but you only need $25 if you are looking to get other types of rewards.

Go here to sign up with iPoll.

Good luck if you decide to sign up with any of these panels!

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It includes the following e-books ($1 each if you buy them individually):


You will get an email with a link to download the PDF files after your purchase.

Thank you!

12 thoughts on “Five Paid Survey Panels That Still Pay in Cash – Not Points”

  1. Quick rewards is a good one too. They dont have a payout threshold. You can cash out 50 cent if you want to. ( just an example). But you can make 200$ a month on that site if you like doing surveys. They also have offers and paid videos but they dont pay as much as the surveys. Money goes to your paypal or you can choose to get gift cards. This is a great survey site to make extra money. It saved my ass alot as far as making ends meet. Again the site is called Quick Rewards.

  2. I’m with you, Anna, on this. I recently joined a survey site that paid points. The surveys kept getting longer and longer. And at some point, I stopped and said, “What am I doing? I could be spending this time on my real job, making real money.”

    Show me the money! 🙂

  3. Love the list and even got the nerve to try Paid Viewpoint. Was so excited actually “viewing” the money build up. Well almost done with my profile and they ask me for my cell or home number. This I did not like. 🙁 Really disappointed. Why do they need a phone number? I think this is important to mention, for others who don’t feel comfortable giving out their phone number. With all the advertising these days, I don’t want my cell phone racking up unwanted charges and my home number is unlisted. Thanks for the great list though!

    • You’re right. Thanks! I had actually forgotten they asked for it and I just put mine in without even thinking. I probably should not have done that!

      I wonder if there is a way to bypass that option when you sign up. Would be nice.

      Regardless, I will update my blurb on Paid Viewpoints to warn people about the cell thing.

      • There is no way to bypass the phone option. They stated the number is used to verify one account owner. I don’t think that’s a good idea considering they can “verify” with your Paypal account. Certainly cannot have two Paypal accounts right? What’s odd is they don’t ask for any personal info such as address but they want a phone number???? Thanks for the warning update!

        • So far no texts from them. And I have to say I am really liking this survey site! The surveys are very very short (usually only take a few minutes to answer) and they don’t bombard me with a zillion invitations a day. You can cash out with Paypal when you have $15 and it only takes up to 72 hours to get the funds (which means you may get it sooner). And I absolutely love watching the money accumulate as I answer the questions.

  4. , pays in cash only 😉 I have earned $12, and you have to earn $20 to cash out. It appears to be the same company as Vizupanel, but I signed up for both anyway.

    MindField Online is another one that pays in cash only, and the cashout threshold is only $5! Here is the link to join,

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