How to Get Paid For Doing Courthouse Research

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Courthouse research is another very flexible job you can do outside of the home mostly on your own time. While the work is nothing alike, I do sort of throw this kind of work into the same category as merchandising when it comes to working from home.

This is because while the work isn't done in the home, you are mostly free to pick your own hours, and this makes it an attractive option.

While I have done courthouse research for the company I used to work for, I have never done it for any place that specialized in just that. So, I've had to do a little digging to come up with this info for you.

What does a courthouse researcher do?

Basically, you visit courthouses in your area or surrounding areas and collect information from the public records there to give to whatever research company you are working for. The companies need different info for different reasons, so you won't always be looking for the same types of records.

You don't necessarily need any college degree or special skills to do courthouse research, and there are many companies that will hire you whether you've ever done this type of work or not.

If you are a beginner, they will help you learn to get started. However, there are some companies that may prefer to hire experienced researchers.

How much does courthouse research pay?

Courthouse research pay varies greatly depending on who you do it for. Some people with lots of experience and speed are able to make up to $20 or more per hour while beginners might make around $7 to $9 an hour.

If you've been researching work at home jobs in search of a full-time income, this probably won't give you that. Instead, it's best to consider this supplemental income since you may not know when work is available to do.

Most courthouse research companies hire you as an independent contractor.

How do you search for the records?

Again this may depend on the courthouse. Some courthouses keep records in large, heavy books while others may have everything on computer. And then some courthouses may have their records in both places.

There is nothing to keep you from searching through the records since it is public information.

If you don't know where they are, you should of course ask someone at the courthouse. After you've done the work for a while, you'll know where to go and things won't seem so intimidating.

You will also likely build up your searching speed as you discover the most efficient ways to search for records. Building up speed could increase your hourly pay depending on who you are working for.

Do you visit different courthouses?

Many people visit courthouses in their county but also in surrounding counties, and doing this may keep you in steady work to do.

However, if you are traveling a good distance away from your home, you need to keep in mind that you are probably spending additional money on gas. This could make a trip to a neighboring courthouse not worthwhile if it is fairly far away and you're not getting reimbursed for gas mileage.

Something else you can do if you need more work to keep you busy is apply with several different companies that hire for court research.

Can you bring your kids to the courthouse while you do your research?

Technically you can, but you have to realize that that may not be the best idea. Doing courthouse research isn't just a quick trip in and out of the building — it's work. You may end up being there, digging through files, for several hours.

Are your kids going to be able to entertain themselves for that long? Are the people working at the courthouse going to be OK if your children become extremely bored and start disturbing the peace there as a result? Likely not.

So it may be best to do your research on a day when you know you will be kid-free.

Places to apply

Here are a few places I found that you can sign up with to start:

  • Accurate Background – Accurate Background is a progressive organization – employing accomplished, lively professionals who share our adage “work hard, be productive, and enjoying life.”
  • Deed Collector – Read Deed Collector Review – You're hired as an independent contractor. The faster you type, the more you earn. Most of their researchers make $15-$20/hour.
  • Information Technologies – They are in search of court researchers & data collectors across the nation. Independent Contractor position. Pay based on number of records collected.
  • IT Boss Research – Regulary looking for independent contractors to become court researchers for their clients. They claim most researchers earn between $10 and $25 hourly.
  • Wolfgang Research – Free training. Pay per valid collected record.

Good luck!

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Thank you!

13 thoughts on “How to Get Paid For Doing Courthouse Research”

  1. I just sent a query to One Legal, a litigation support service company operating out of Novato, CA. They seem to be a solid company doing a lot with electronic filing, etc. I emailed the HR manager to ask if they need people on the East Coast.

  2. I just wanted to add a comment. Not that anyone here does this. (Great learning experience for me)., My records were checked by someone for a company and it was a crazy night mare. We need to remember these are real people, not just facts. I was told I never graduated from high school even though I went to 3 University’s. I almost did not get hired by a great company because this person did not read something right and reported that I was in prison for 6 yrs. (I was never om prison!!! LOL) Then of course my drug screen was looked at like I was up to something because of all this info. (It was clean) I spent just as much time and more than the worker gong back and proving that person either just could not find something or was looking at someone else, not me. I can assure everyone, if I ever have to report legal facts about someone, I will pay more attention now then I would have before. Just a little note for you guys

  3. Wolfgang seems kinda shifty. I don’t think I’ll sign up there. I realize that not all poorly designed websites are scams, and not all well designed websites are legitimate, but it just doesn’t seem right that a company that wants to locate legal documents would be so…well, shifty looking…

  4. Hello,
    I have a question. Are there electrical outlets at the courthouses, close to the work area, in which I can plug in my laptop to recharge it while I am working? I have a laptop but its battery life is only about 2 hours. Thank you in advance for answering my question.

    • I’m not really sure Christine, I guess some probably do and some don’t. If I were you, I would contact some local courthouses to your area and explain that you might have to do some research there with your laptop and ask about that.

  5. Interesting. I just want to add a caveat. Just because a record is being kept by a public agency does not mean that the record is available for anyone to see or obtain. Rules vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and depend upon the type of record. I assume that the companies usually send their ICs to get information that is available to the public.

    I will add that bringing small children with you to do research in public agencies is not a good idea. Young children are not interested in your research and will quickly get bored and restless.

  6. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your valuable research. I have learned so much from your site. But I must say that I fully agree on not taking the kids to the courthouse. You would think this would be automatically understood. I do understand that there are moms out there who must bring kids along, but I really don’t think bringing them to a courthouse would be proper. I am sure the kids would be bored and act up, and well, quite frankly, the other people at the courthouse shouldn’t have to put in that position. Most people only go to the courthouse when they have important business to tend to. Kids shouldn’t be a distraction to others.

  7. I had never heard of Probate or Background Profiles. Courthouse research generally appeals to someone who wants to work from a home office, but still get out of the house from time to time. Because the schedule is flexible, it’s a great job for stay-at-home moms with kids in school.

  8. THis is really cool! I may never use my teaching degree with all these things to do while my kids are in school 🙂

  9. I am so happy to see this article! I’ve been looking for this type of employment. Have the reputations of these companies been checked out? I’m always nervous about what may be too good to be true.

    • Of the ones listed, Wolfgang, Jellybean, and Sunlark seem to be the most reputable although I believe all the companies are legit. I could not find as much info on the others, but I got their names from places online that I consider reputable and they seem to all check out OK. I am trying to add to the list as I find more.

      Good luck!

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