New E-Book! Your Quick Guide to Making Money as a Mystery Shopper
I'm excited to let you know that I've just finished writing a new e-book for you all, and you can purchase/download it now.
It's just $1 (like the rest of my e-books).
In “Your Quick Guide to Making Money as a Mystery Shopper” you will learn:
- What mystery shopping is.
- Who can be a mystery shopper.
- Pros and cons of mystery shopping.
- How much you can expect to earn as a mystery shopper.
- How you get paid for mystery shopping.
- Equipment needed for mystery shopping.
- How to watch out for mystery shopping scams.
- 50+ companies that need mystery shoppers now.
- Mystery shopping companies that operate worldwide.
- Mystery shopping apps to download.
I've tried to cover the topic as completely as I can so you will know if it's something you want to do. And if it is, you can get started signing up with companies right away!
You can go here to download it if you like.
You should get a link with instructions to download after your purchase. The file will come to you in PDF format, so be sure to check your email for the purchase confirmation and download instructions.
Good luck, and thank you in advance for your purchase!

Anna Thurman is a work at home blogger and mom of two. She has been researching and reviewing remote jobs for over 14 years. Her findings are published weekly here at Real Ways to Earn.