4 Ways to Get Paid For Listening to Music Online

These shouldn't be considered home based jobs, but you can visit many different websites to get paid for listening to music. This is one of those fun “extra” things you can do here and there, and the rewards will certainly add up over time the more you participate.

Here's a short list of four different websites you should bookmark for when you have some downtime and want to do something that earns extra money.

Get Paid For Listening to Music With Slice the Pie

Slice the Pie is hands down the best way to get paid for listening to music.

Slice the Pay pays via Paypal for rating and writing short reviews of tracks by up and coming artists. It is only necessary to listen to the first 60 seconds of each song before you start writing a review.

The amount earned depends on your rating, which increases with participation and accuracy. The rate of pay is between .02 and .20 cents per review depending on your rating.

Payments are made on Tuesdays and Fridays. You must have at least $10 in your account to cash out.

Go here to sign up at Slice the Pie or read our Slice the Pie review to learn more about how it works first.

Earn Rewards On HitPredictor For Listening to Music

HitPredictor will give you points you can redeem for different rewards in their prize store by rating songs and artists.

This site offers a mix of both well-known and new artists. There is also the opportunity to win prizes in addition to earning points.

Go here to sign up at Hit Predictor.

Current Rewards App Pays You To Listen To The Radio

Current is an app I'm just finding out about that pays you to listen to different radio stations through the app. You can also earn from playing games, surveys, and things like that.

The app is available for iPhone and Android users alike. Payments are made in Paypal or gift cards, but from what I've read, the Paypal fees for  cashing out are pretty extensive and they take about 25 cents for every dollar you cash out.

According to the Current website, you can earn about $600 a year listening to radio stations through the app, but you'd probably have to be a VERY active user for that to happen.

There are apparently over 100,000 radio stations to choose from, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding something you like.

Go here to learn more about the app.

PlaylistPush Will Pay You to Review Music If You Have Many Spotify Followers

Do you have a Spotify playlist with lots of followers (1,000 or more)? If you do, you can get paid to review music with PlaylistPush.

In addition to having a playlist on Spotify with 1,000 or more followers, you must also have a minimum 30 active monthly listeners per playlist, and minimum 1% active monthly listeners per playlist.

There are some other requirements listed here.

PlaylistPush pays every week through TransferWise for songs you review. The amount per review varies, but you can earn up to $10 per review.

Go here for more details on how this works and how to sign up.

If you want to get paid for listening to music, you might sign up with all four to maximize your earnings! These are also great ideas for online jobs for teens since some of these let you sign up at a younger age.

Good luck!

BONUS – Get My Work at Home E-Book Bundle For Just $5 Right Now (8 E-Books Total)

If you are wanting even MORE links to jobs across a ton of categories (virtual assisting, data entry, transcription, and more), you may want to download my work at home e-book bundle.

work at home ebook bundle

It includes the following e-books ($1 each if you buy them individually):


You will get an email with a link to download the PDF files after your purchase.

Thank you!

12 thoughts on “4 Ways to Get Paid For Listening to Music Online”

  1. I’ve been a member with Music Xray for several years. My total earnings in all that time? 1.50, just a dollar and fifty cents. I rarely get invitations to listen to a song. There have been times when I responded immediately to a song invite and when I get to their website there is nothing for me to listen to.

  2. Could someone tell me how Slicethepie pays? I couldn’t find any information on their website other than the $10 cash out. I signed up and filled out the scout options, but there was no where regarding payment?

  3. Hey Anna,
    Fun way to make a few dollars!

    There is a site called RadioMusicSurvey if I remember correctly. I used to be a member of long ago. I think they enter you to different contests they run for participating.

  4. I used to love slice the pie. I used them for a few years and never had any problems but right now they owe me $10 and they’re refusing to pay me even claiming that my reviews aren’t “constructive”. The thing is, I have been doing my reviews the same exact way throughout the entire time I’ve used the site…seems like if they had a problem with them they would have mentioned it before NOW? But thats just my personal experience…other people might have better luck…

    I’ve used hitpredictor and I like them a lot. Never had any problems 🙂

    I use music x ray but I hadn’t made payout yet…never heard of the other two, but I’ll be sure to check them out now 🙂

    • Thanks for sharing, Kristy. That is surprising! It’s the first time I’ve heard of anyone having such an experience with this particular site.

      I am so sorry that happened to you 🙁

  5. If I could actually listen to music and write about it, I would totally some of these, but I’m just no good at stuff like that, lol. It takes me a couple of rounds of listening to something to actually know what I am going to say. These are definitely interesting though and perfect for those who like to pass time by listening to music. Now, listening to music and making money are combined! Hooray! 🙂

    • It is really enjoyable work but after so many songs it does get hard to keep thinking of new stuff to say so that everything doesn’t sound the same. They don’t want you to say, “Great song!” and leave it at that, so it does require some thought.

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